Welcome to the Producer Supply Portal!

The Producer Portal is your one-stop resource for sales and enrollment materials promoting:
  1. Set Up Account
    Your username and the temporary password provided give you access to our complete library of materials to support your sales of our Medicare products.

    Producer/Agent: Use your complete nine (9) - digit BCBS producer/agent ID number.
    Other users: Use the initial of your first name and your last name spelled out (all lower case). For example, the username for Betty Bluebear would be bbluebear.
    Password: Use the temporary password you received after your account was activated.

  2. 24/7 Access to marketing materials
    Log-in anytime, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and download or request sales support materials.
    It's that easy! Questions? Call 888-655-1357 or email bcbssupport@summitdm.com.
    Send other inquiries to the Producer Hotline at cmsalessupport@bcbstx.com.

  3. Have you forgotten your password?